GongYi Home of Hope

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Christmas 2006 – Miscellaneous Activities

On the left (above) is a picture of a group that came to wish the children of the Home of Hope a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.

On the right (above) the children are starting to decorate our annual Christmas tree.

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The children all pitch in to decorate at Christmas. The ones with a talent for art and drawing draw all kinds of neat Christmas pictures on the black boards in our game / study room while others hang ornaments and others set up the tree.
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We also have some birthdays during the Christmas Holidays. We had Mary and Caleb‘s birthdays together in the nursery. Above left is Mary checking out her new stuffed animal, while on the right, Caleb and Mary pose (as best they know how… ) for their Birthday picture.


Caleb is checking out his new car transport (above left), while Beau is checking out the taste of the Birthday cake. (above right)

20070116GYPIC12Meantime, Chang Xiao Ping, one of the lead house mothers is checking out some of the new coats prior to wrapping them for the children’s Christmas.
The coats (one for every child) were a gift from a dear lady in the United States who faithfully supports the Home of Hope and the Home of Hope children.
What a blessing!

20070116GYPIC1120070116GYPIC13On Christmas Eve morning, Nathan made the comment that it would sure be nice if the grounds were cleaned up a little for our Christmas get together. Some of the children overheard him and in no time they were out raking and burning leaves. No one told them to do it…

20070116GYPIC10Sam brought several of his university class mates home with him for Christmas. We were able to get a few of them together and take this picture. The children love to have visitors and since these were all young people they jumped in and helped with the clean up outside… then on to some basketball and ping pong! It was great to have them and made us all feel really warm inside since Sam wanted to “bring them home” with him.
