As most of you know our server had some problems so we changed servers. In doing so we also decided to change our format to some degree! In changing the format, you the viewer, should find it easier to navigate around the site. We hope you enjoy it.

Wow…Welcome to the world of Aaron!
This little guy was abandoned at our gate on August 8th.. just six days ago… And he is really cute.Aaron (Xiong Wei, as we named him) is one of five babies that have been abandoned at our gate in the last twenty or so days. Sadly, out of the five we were only able to bring two into the Home of Hope due to various physical problems the others had.Not only are we not equipped or trained to take care of certain physical problems, our charter with the Chinese government is very clear as to what type physical conditions are not acceptable in the Home of Hope.

In the picture to the left, Aaron is getting his first bath… They always scream and kick and squirm as if they are being tortured when they feel the bath water for the first time. Then they become nice and content!
It is always amazing to us how a bath seems to put these little ones in such a quiet and peaceful state. We have yet to receive a new born who has already been bathed. The doctors here frown on early bathing.

In the picture (right), Aaron
Xiong Wei is being dressed in some new baby pajamas sent to us by a caring person in the States for just such a time as this. On occasion people do send in new baby clothes, shoes and other items which come in very handy when these little ones arrive. We sort of have an ‘inhouse’ thing we say when a box arrives with baby clothes in it… “Well, it looks like God is getting ready to send us another newborn, abandoned baby!†And indeed, that is how it generally works!

Aaron Xiong Wei, all bathed, dressed, fed and ready to slip off into the Home of Hope dreamland. Thanks to all our supporters and friends, he now has a warm, clean and loving environment to grow up in.One thing we didn’t mention is that he has a little bit of a club foot problem which is very much like Mary’s was when she came.
Mary now walks with both feet straight and with no limp at all!We have found a doctor in Beijing who specializes in this type condition so we are going to take Aaron there next week. We feel certain that Aaron’s case will end with the same favorable results as Mary’s!