The Beginning of Summer

This past month when we went to go see the kids, some of our older children were off school and wanted to come along to play with old friends from Gongyi. From left to right: Jaxin, Eli and Tyler (our three sons), Graham, Sarah, and Emma (our children from Pingyu).

We decided each time we go, we would teach the kids a short English class to keep their English speaking ability up. Ben taught several words and actions about Dodgeball. I taught about cookies as our youngest son Tyler made cookies to bring to the kids!

Tyler went from child to child to hand them a cookie. They had to first say, “Please give me a cookie!”

Aaron knocked Ben out while playing dodgeball.

Morris getting the ball ready to throw it.

Abby did really well and helped her team win twice!

Tank Top Twins, Jaxin (our eldest son) and Moses are long time best friends.
Mary (left) and Charity playing with the bubbles!

Morris trying to pop the bubbles with these flying toys we found for them.

I taught them a singing game like musical chairs but with clapping hands instead. While they waited to come back into the game, the kids played other clapping games like you see Ben and Rachel doing and our daughter Sarah and Rachel (wearing the hat) playing.
Autumn has been with the Gongyi Home of Hope since she was a baby. She was one of the first few abandonded babies. She, along with 3 other children, just finished middle school and are waiting to see what high school they get to go to. This is a very stressful test for the children, please be lifting up all the high school students as the pressure is so great.
We want to thank you for your conintued support in reaching these children. We hope to go back in August to help the kids going to high school get a few things for their room as they will have to live at school. We started doing this when we lived in Gongyi back in 2007-2010. We also hope to get all the older Gongyi kids who are still living in Gongyi together for a reunion dinner to catch up. Many of them have started their own families and are doing really well. Nathan taught them well and would be very proud of them!
Posted: July 24th, 2018 under Uncategorized.