Aaron Xiong Wei to Beijing
On August 8th, little Aaron Xiong Wei joined the Home of Hope. You can read about his arrival in the update titled “Unexpected Visitor”. Aaron’s overall health is excellent! However he does have, what is called in layman’s terms, a ‘club foot’. You can see the condition of his foot by looking closely at his right leg in the picture above.
On the 29th of August we took Aaron to Beijing to begin the casting treatment to correct this problem. The earlier this type situation is addressed, the better the results.
Early on the morning of the 29th (we had to leave the Home of Hope at 5:15 AM to get to the ZhengZhou train station in time for the train we had purchased tickets for) the Nursery Nannies dressed Aaron and got him ready for the trip.
He slept through the entire process. (left) Abby Joy and Rose sensed something was in the air and they both crawled into the little bed where Aaron was laying and just sort of sat there with a look on their faces like “…what’s next?” (right)
We are always amazed at how quickly the little ones get attached to each other! Such an amazing thing to watch take place! We elected to take Mosie and Ruthie along for the trip and at 7:00 AM we boarded the new ZhengZhou to Beijing train. In the picture above are Mosie, Ruthie and Home of Hope Nursery Nanny, ‘Li Sheng’ holding little Aaron.
Mosie and Ruthie were intrigued with the style of the new train and were very excited to be making the trip. Their first train ride that they were aware of although they had both been to Beijing for surgeries when they too were infants. Aaron slept ‘like a baby’ for most of the trip. This train is a new train in China and it makes the ‘used to be’ seven to eight hour trip in just over four hours.
As soon as we arrived at the treatment center, Aaron was given a complete physical and the doctor determined that the prognosis on his condition was 100% cure.
After the medical exam was finished, Aaron was placed in the care of the facility’s own Nursery Nannies and they began to care for him which they will be doing for the next six weeks.
Every few days, Aaron’s casting will be removed and replaced with a new cast as his foot begins to take it’s normal shape and position.
We are excited with anticipation of what we know is going to be a complete cure for this little life that God has placed in our care! It is such an awesome thing to realize that the Home of Hope is indeed making a difference in the lives of so many children who otherwise, would be hopelessly, helpless!
Please remember Aaron Xiong Wei in your prayers!
Posted: August 29th, 2007 under Abandoned Babies, Home of Hope Staff, Surgeries.
Tags: Aaron-Xiong-Wei, abandoned, Abby-Joy-Xiong-Miao-Yin, babies, Mary-Xiong-Xiao, Moses-Xiong-En, nursery, nursery-medical, Ruthie-Xiong-Shan