GongYi Home of Hope

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Christmas Preparations

It’s that time again, and just like children in many countries, the Home of Hope children have “learned about” and they get “excited about” Christmas.

Since we opened the first Home of Hope in early 2000, each year we have celebrated Christmas with the children and the Christmas celebration has become one of their yearly customs. The children know that right after their foreign grandpa has his Thanksgiving Day celebration, it will be time to start decorating for Christmas. This year was no different.

Jenny and Hank look at the bare tree they just finished standing up. I’m sure in their minds they were already placing the decorations here and there and making it as beautiful as last year.

On the other side of the room, Adam and some of the other children were spreading out the decorations, untangling the lights and getting things ready to place on the tree and around the room.

On the left above, Tim is placing a “Santa” on one of the doors, while on the right, Isaac is looking on with pure “awe” written all over his little face!


I hung it on the ceiling… isn’t that where it goes? And Ruthie takes it outside to decorate “herself”….. ?

While all of this was going on, Hank (on the right) with Gail‘s help (Gail is on the left with her eye still bandaged from a minor eye surgery she had a week before… ) had a bunch of sweet potatoes baking in our homemade, outside oven.

Have you ever seen such large sweet potatoes? We sure hadn’t before we came here. Anyway, these were planted by the children in their own garden, harvested by the children and now they are being baked by the children and they are sure good…

We hope you have enjoyed this first glimpse into the Gongyi Home of Hope Christmas, 2008. We will add more to this page as Christmas progresses.

We wish you and yours a very Happy, Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year…