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HOH School Field Trip

SchoolOuting_2We have been experiencing exceptionally warm weather for this time of the year. Each time we think our outdoor activities are finished for the season we get more warm weather. Of course we are not going to complain about it…. not at all! Winters here in Gongyi are extremely harsh so when we experience extended warm weather like this we are extremely happy!

Yesterday, our first and second grade tutors asked if they could take the children to the park for their PE and Study Hall classes and we agreed as long as they would take the camera and get a few pictures of the children during the outing. They did and we thought we would post some of them.

In the picture above we are focusing on, left to right – Autumn, Rose, Ruthie, Isaac and Moses. These children were all newborns, abandoned and either found on the street by the police and brought to us, or abandoned at our gate, usually during the night hours.SchoolOuting_1

We want to “thank” those who have helped with ‘contributions of love’ for the Home of Hope this month and over the years. Lately, we have felt the pressure of the combination of continuing our current growth at the existing facilities while at the same time gearing up for the ‘Start Up’ of PingYu. However, we feel strongly that this is the time and place for the third Home of Hope and as we continue to believe for guidance in this project we know that provisions will come in.

Your participation in the Vision for the lost and needy from the mountains and rural area of Gongyi is so greatly appreciated and though we say this a lot, we know that without your involvement in the work here, we could not continue, so again, Thank You!


We thought we would show you one more picture from the field trip with insets of each child when they first came to the Home of Hope so you can see just how much your contributions toward their life has truly accomplished. These little guys are smart, loving and just exciting to be around. You have not only made their life possible but have also made it possible for each one of them to have the surgeries necessary to take care of the various reasons they were abandoned in the first place.

Watching them grow and sharing God’s love with them is another reason why we are so very appreciative for your helping to make all of this possible.

Thank You and Blessings!

P.S. – As a footnote, the weather bureau says that day after tomorrow the temperatures are suppose to drop over forty degrees. Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!