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New Years – Wind Down

This is a very short update about the conclusion of our Chinese New Years.

Let it Snow!


All winter long the children have been asking and asking when it was going to snow. Unlike past winters when we received more than our share of snow, rain and heavy winds, this winter has simply been cold. Nothing more. No snow.. very little rain or drizzle… some high winds but not even enough of that to talk about… just cold, cold, cold! We were very aware of that too because our utility costs (heating and hot water) have been way up this winter. Finally on the 27th of February it started to drizzle and then a short time later it turned into a very minor snow.

School had already started back up so the only children here during the daytime were the children in our own school and our kindergarten. The kindergarten children were not allowed outside due to the extreme cold but we did let our first graders who were not down with colds go out to enjoy what little bit of the snow they could. The fact that there was only 1/2″ to 3/4″ of snow didn’t matter to them at all. In no time there were small snowballs flying around as well as Jaxin Godard (Ben and Michelle Godard’s son), Moses Xiong En, Ruthie Xiong Shan, and Autumn Xiong Duo had built a small snowman complete with eyes, ears, nose and mouth they had fabricated from sticks and other things they had found.

Even though it has been many years and a long time since we have felt the excitement at seeing snow the way six, seven and eight year olds do, their joy was contagious and so we thought we would share it with our readers.

New Year’s Fireworks


Another part of the ‘wind-down’ to New Years or as they say in China, “the beginning of Spring” (though it sure doesn’t feel like it right now) is the annual fireworks display the Government puts on for the people of Gongyi and the surrounding villages.

It is one of the most amazing displays we have ever seen before coming to China. Of course we have read that fireworks have their origin in China (true or not we don’t know for sure) so it is only natural they would have a great show. There were major fireworks going off constantly for the better part of an hour. There was even one that when it exploded way up in the heavens, dropped hundreds of glowing lanterns as well as many designs in the sky including hearts and such developed from the exploding pieces. Everyone had a great time!

Hazel Goes to Beijing


A long time ago we started our children’s e-mail pen pal program and it wasn’t long until a lovely couple in Germany made contact with Hazel Ge Hua Zhi. They have built a great relationship over time and when the couple decided to come to China for a visit they called us and asked if Hazel could spend a few days with them while they were here. We agreed.


Hazel went to Beijing to meet her friends and she had a great time! We are sure she had never seen anything like what she experienced in Beijng. From the nice hotel she stayed in to the love she was shown by a couple she had only met via e-mail.


…. from the Grand Piano they had in the lobby of the hotel they stayed in where she was allowed to show what she has learned on the piano, to actually being able to visit the Great Wall of China… a dream never realized by many Chinese people.

Hazel came back with many great experiences to share with us! We were really glad she had a chance to make the trip!

We hope you have enjoyed this short update. We will add more very soon.

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