GongYi Home of Hope

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Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Exterior Painting

The third project is to paint the complete exterior of all the buildings and walls at the Home of Hope. The last couple of years, the government has paid more attention to the appearance and finish of the exterior walls than in previous years and in fact this has become part of our annual inspection criteria […]

Bridge Maintenance

As soon as Children’s Day was over, everyone sort of hit the ground running. The children already knew some of the projects we have slated for this summer and were actually looking forward to the work as this is when they can earn some extra spending money. We generally define which type of work comes […]

Children’s Day

Children’s Day – June 1st June 1st is quite a day around the Home of Hope.  We generally go all out on Children’s day but this year was extra special as we had about twenty friends from around China… Primarily from Beijing and Shanghai… come to visit the children. Some of them came a day […]

Picnic Time

[metaslider id=4756]What a lovely time of the year in China. The Cherry Blossom trees are blooming… nothing like Japan but still very, very pretty… The bees are buzzing around… the birds are chirping and we decided it was time to take all the Home of Hope children and all the staff on our first picnic […]

A Day of Fun

Ye Ye, It’s Nice Outside! Greetings from China with tons of Thanks and great appreciation for your prayers and support during this last month. With winter fading off into a dim memory and the days getting nicer and nicer, it’s very common for the kids to get their homework and chores finished as quickly as […]